EPS skum hydraulisk komprimator

EPS skum hydraulisk komprimator


Før EPS-skumbehandling


1. Fodring og knusning

Waste EPS foam materials, such as packaging or insulation, are manually or automatically fed into the compactor. Inside the machine, a crushing mechanism breaks down the foam into smaller pieces, preparing it for compression.

2. Hydraulic Compression

  • The crushed foam pieces are transferred to a compression chamber.
  • A hydraulic system applies significant pressure to compress the foam, effectively reducing its volume by up to 50:1.

3. Formation of Dense Blocks

  • The compressed foam is extruded into dense, uniform blocks or logs.
  • These blocks are easier to handle, store, and transport, making them suitable for recycling or disposal.

4. Discharge and Collection

The dense blocks are discharged from the machine and collected for further processing. This significantly reduces the space required for storage and the cost of transportation.

5. Advantages

The EPS foam hydraulic compactor is energy-efficient and reliable. It operates without the need for heat, reducing energy consumption and eliminating fumes. By significantly reducing the volume of EPS waste, it helps minimize environmental pollution and promotes sustainable waste management.


Model GL-HM100 GL-HM200 GL-HM400
Skrue diameter Φ100 mm Φ180–120 mm Φ180–120 mm
Skruelængde 1050 mm 2500 mm 2500 mm
Skruehastighed 150 r/min 110 r/min 110 r/min
Produktion 40-50 kg/t 80–120 kg/t 180–200 kg/t
Skærmmaskestørrelse 40 mm 50 mm 50 mm
Ekstruderingstrykinterval 300 min 386 min 366 min
Motorkraft 5,5 KW 15 KW 22 KW
Varmekraft 4 KW 10 KW 14 KW
Kraft til knusemaskine 1,5 KW 2,2 + 2,2 KW 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 KW
Antal knusere 9 sæt 9 + 10 sæt 9 + 10 + 9 + 10 sæt
Knuserhastighed 110 r/m 110 mm 110 mm
Dimensioner 1410×1085×1600 mm 2030×1400×2050 mm 3400×1880×2550 mm
Vægt 1000 kg 1800 kg 2500 kg

Garanti og installation

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