
Lamella Clarifier Processing


Before Lamella Clarifier System Processing


Lamella Clarifier Process

The Lamella Clarifier operates on the principle of shallow sedimentation. It incorporates a series of parallel inclined plates within the sedimentation tank, significantly reducing the settling distance for particles and thereby accelerating the sedimentation process. Wastewater enters the tank and flows upward between these inclined plates. As the water ascends, suspended particles settle onto the surfaces of the plates and slide down to the bottom, forming sludge. The clarified water then exits from the top of the unit, completing the separation process.


  • Innovative Structural Design: The use of inclined plates exponentially increases the effective settling area, enhancing the system’s capacity.
  • Inclined Lamella Plates: These plates facilitate the re-agglomeration of particles, improving sedimentation efficiency.
  • High Sludge Concentration: The design ensures efficient sludge settling, resulting in higher sludge concentrations.
  • Space-Saving Design: The compact configuration significantly reduces the required footprint, making it ideal for installations with limited space.
  • Durable Materials: Constructed with high-strength PVC inclined plates, the clarifier offers superior durability and resistance to deformation.
  • Nem vedligeholdelse: The removable plates allow for straightforward cleaning and maintenance, ensuring sustained operational efficiency.

Lamella Clarifier Processing
Lamella Clarifier Processing

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