Oversigt over genbrugsmaskiner for udvidet polystyren (EPS).

(EPS) genbrug

Ekspanderet polystyren (EPS) recycling machines are designed to process EPS waste, commonly known as Styrofoam, transforming it into a more manageable and reusable form. Here’s an overview of how these machines operate and their benefits.

Types of Machines

  1. Compactors/Densifiers:
  • Compactors: These machines compress loose EPS waste into dense blocks through physical pressure, achieving a compaction ratio of up to 50:1. This significant reduction in volume makes the material easier to transport and recycle.
  • Densifiers: Utilizing heat, densifiers melt the EPS, resulting in even higher compression ratios, sometimes reaching up to 90:1. This method not only compacts the material but also partially melts it, creating denser blocks.


  • Foam Compactor: Ideal for businesses generating large amounts of EPS waste, such as packaging companies and manufacturers, the foam compactor processes loose EPS into manageable blocks.
  • Foam Densifier: Although more energy-intensive, this machine’s ability to melt EPS allows for the creation of denser blocks, which can be more valuable in the recycling market.


Recycling EPS significantly reduces landfill waste. Since EPS does not biodegrade easily, utilizing recycling machines helps prevent long-term environmental damage.

Økonomiske fordele

Companies that recycle EPS can sometimes sell the compacted blocks to recycling entities, which can use the material to create new products. This process fosters a closed-loop system, further enhancing the economic viability of EPS recycling.

Considerations for Purchasing

For those considering the purchase of EPS recycling machines, several factors should be evaluated:

  • Capacity Needs: Determine the volume of EPS waste generated, as machines vary in size and processing speed.
  • Energieffektivitet: Since densifiers consume more energy due to their heating processes, compactors may be more suitable for operations focused on reducing energy costs.
  • Market for Recycled Product: Research local markets or programs that accept compacted EPS. Companies like INTCO Recycling are known for purchasing these recycled blocks.
  • Maintenance and Durability: Ensure that the machines are robust enough to withstand the continuous compression of abrasive EPS material.


For further information or to locate suppliers, consider reaching out to manufacturers or recycling specialists that provide EPS recycling machines, often with buy-back programs for the recycled material. Effective EPS recycling also relies on having a solid collection system and further processing capabilities in place.

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