PE-film genbrugsvaskesystem

Denne video giver et omfattende kig på PE-filmgenbrugsvaskelinjeprocessen og dens fordele.
Videoen åbner med optagelser af kasseret PE-filmaffald, der understreger vigtigheden af genbrug. Så tager vi dig med på en rundvisning i en avanceret PE-film genbrugsvaskelinje, der viser følgende nøgleprocesser:

Makulering: Breaking down the film into small pieces
Pre-washing: Removing surface contaminants
Main washing: Thoroughly cleaning film fragments
Rinsing: Eliminating residual detergents
Dewatering: Centrifugal water removal
Tørring: Hot air drying
Pelletisering: Converting cleaned film into recycled plastic pellets

The video highlights several advantages of this production line:

High efficiency: Capable of processing several tons of film per hour
Energy-saving and eco-friendly: Utilizes a water recycling system to conserve resources
Superior product quality: Thorough cleaning ensures high-purity recycled material
High level of automation: Reduces labor costs

Finally, the video showcases various new products made from recycled PE pellets, demonstrating the value of the circular economy.
