PVC plastslibemaskine

PVC plastslibemaskine

PVC plastkværnen er en industriel enhed designet til at male PVC (polyvinylchlorid) materialer til mindre partikler eller fint pulver til forarbejdning og genbrug. Udbredt i plastgenbrugsindustrien behandler det affaldsmaterialer fra PVC-baserede produkter såsom rør, profiler, plader og film. Det formalede materiale kan genbruges i produktionen, hvilket reducerer spild og fremmer bæredygtighed.


Key Features and Functions

Materialebehandling: The PVC grinder is suitable for various forms of PVC waste, including pipes, profiles, sheets, films, and ceiling panels. Some models can also handle other plastics like HDPE, PP, and PET.

Grinding Mechanism: Typically employs a rotor blade system, consisting of static and rotating blades. Adjustable blades ensure efficient grinding and achieve the desired particle size.

Produktion: The particle size of the ground material ranges from coarse granules to fine powder, depending on machine configuration and discharge grid size. Output capacities vary from 25 kg/hour to over 900 kg/hour, depending on the machine’s specifications and power.

Kølesystem: Many machines are equipped with air and water cooling systems to prevent overheating, ensure stable performance, and extend equipment lifespan.

Automation: Available in manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic configurations to meet diverse operational needs and production scales.

Dust Removal: Advanced models feature dust removal systems to reduce pollution and maintain a clean working environment.


Genbrug: Primarily used in recycling plants to process PVC waste into reusable materials for manufacturing new products.

Industrial Use: Widely applied in industries producing PVC-based products such as pipes, windows, doors, and flooring, where production waste is recycled to reduce material costs.


Efficiency: High grinding capacity with low energy consumption makes it suitable for large-scale production with cost-effectiveness.

Durability: Made from robust materials like low-carbon steel, offering long service life and low maintenance costs.

Versatility: Capable of processing various forms of PVC and other plastics, making it adaptable to multiple industry needs.

In summary, the PVC plastic grinder is a core piece of equipment in the plastic recycling and manufacturing industries. It efficiently and environmentally converts PVC waste into reusable materials, supporting sustainable development in the sector.

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