Interdiction des exportations de déchets plastiques par l'UE : défis et implications pour l'industrie du recyclage

La décision de l'Union européenne d'interdire l'exportation de déchets plastiques, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur de ses frontières, marque un changement important dans la politique de gestion des déchets. Cette décision, qui s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un accord de régulation des transferts de déchets conclu le 17 novembre, suscite toutefois de vives inquiétudes chez les acteurs du secteur, comme Valipac, une association professionnelle belge. Ces derniers mettent en garde contre le risque d'effondrement du marché du recyclage des emballages plastiques.

Local Storage and Potential Incineration: The Immediate Impacts

Under the new regulation, plastic waste collected in EU member states must be stored locally. This could potentially lead to increased incineration, especially if no buyers for recycling are found within Europe or elsewhere. This shift poses a significant challenge, particularly considering the volumes involved. For instance, Belgium alone consumes 100,000 tons of commercial plastic packaging annually, of which approximately 24,000 tons are currently exported outside the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Valipac’s Perspective: A Market in Jeopardy

Valipac, responsible for commercial and industrial packaging waste collection and recycling in Belgium, highlights the dire situation. They argue that the inability to export collected plastic, combined with Europe’s insufficient recycling capacity, could lead to a demand collapse. The concern is that the cost disparity between packaging made from virgin plastic and recyclate makes the former more economically attractive. This has been exacerbated by the fact that European plastic waste is mainly exported for recycling into secondary products like rubbish bags, owing to low demand for recycled plastic within the EU.

The Risk of Market Collapse and the Call for Intervention

The organization warns that without timely intervention, the plastic packaging waste market risks collapsing due to the lack of sales outlets in Europe, compounded by the export ban to non-OECD countries. This could hinder progress towards a circular economy in the short term, despite the EU’s regulatory intentions.

Balancing Environmental Goals and Industry Realities

While environmental groups laud the EU’s political agreement for ending “waste colonialism,” the European Industrie du recyclage Confederation (EuRIC) acknowledges the urgent need to bolster recycling efforts within Europe. This is to avert a crisis precipitated by the new regulation.

Valipac itself is taking proactive measures, incentivizing businesses to use plastic packaging with at least 30% recyclate. However, the industry faces new challenges with the influx of imported plastics labeled as recycled (rPET), offered at prices that are hard for EU recyclers to compete with.

Conclusion: Navigating a Path Forward

The EU’s decision, while environmentally commendable, presents complex challenges for the industrie du recyclage. It necessitates a reevaluation of local recycling capacities and a concerted effort to balance environmental aspirations with economic realities. As the situation evolves, it will be crucial to monitor the impact on the recycling market and the broader goal of a sustainable, circular economy.
