Naši specijalizirani strojevi za granulaciju ekstrudirane plastike dizajnirani su za granulaciju dugih komada krute plastike za recikliranje kao što su cijevi, limovi, daske,...
Our twin-screw extruder is a high-velocity, co-rotating extruder perfect for your compounding requirements. Our robust extruders provide dependability in the mo...
This two-stage HDPE flakes pelletizing system consists of two sets of single screw extruders and integrates the function of feeding, plasticization, and pelleti...
The two-stage PP PE pelletizing system is designed to handle film regrinds from a washing plant. It comprises two sets of single screw extruders to ensure the f...
Our PP / PE plastic film water-ring pelletizing system integrates the functions of crushing, compacting, plasticization, and pelletizing all in a single step. A...
Uvod Recikliranje guma značajan je izazov koji zahtijeva specijaliziranu opremu dizajniranu za rukovanje teškom, izdržljivom prirodom otpadne gume. pamet...
Our advanced single-screw plastic pelletizing machines with Heat Wave Stabilization™ produce premium plastic pellets by providing uniform heat distribution th...
Sve veći broj postrojenja za pranje PET boca uspostavlja se za oporabu prljavih, visoko kontaminiranih PET plastičnih boca. Većina ovih biljaka tipično...
Unlocking the Full Potential of Aluminum Recycling with Rumtoo’s Specialized Shredding Systems Recycling aluminum is essential not only for its environment...