This two-stage HDPE flakes pelletizing system consists of two sets of single screw extruders and integrates the function of feeding, plasticization, and pelleti...
Our twin-screw extruder is a high-velocity, co-rotating extruder perfect for your compounding requirements. Our robust extruders provide dependability in the mo...
Naši specijalizirani strojevi za granulaciju ekstrudirane plastike dizajnirani su za granulaciju dugih komada krute plastike za recikliranje kao što su cijevi, limovi, daske,...
Dekodiranje ključnih alata u operacijama recikliranja U brzom svijetu recikliranja, gdje se učinkovitost susreće s inovacijom, svjetla pozornosti često padaju na dva...
The plastic granulator is a key piece of equipment in the plastics processing industry. Choosing a plastic granulator that meets your company’s needs is a...
Recycling can be a significant expense for local governments, but AI might help cut those costs and potentially increase recycling rates. Researchers at NIST ar...
Industrijske sjeckalice su teški strojevi dizajnirani za rukovanje velikim količinama materijala, smanjujući ih na manje, upravljive veličine za odlaganje ili daljnje...
Industrial shredders come in a variety of types, each designed to handle specific materials and shredding requirements. Here’s a look at the main types of ind...
Industrial shredders play an indispensable role in the recycling of plastics, serving as the foundational step in the processing chain that turns plastic waste...