Arhiva kategorija: Vijesti o recikliranju

Inovativna rješenja za usitnjavanje tekstila i tkanina

Izolacijske cijevi i kanali u skladištu.
Usitnjavanje tekstila igra vitalnu ulogu u industriji recikliranja i gospodarenja otpadom. Razbijanjem tkanine na manje dijelove, ovaj proces olakšava...

Eco-Friendly Document Destruction Systems

Industrial shredder tearing paper into pieces
Secure Document Shredding Solutions The document destruction industry is turning to Rumtoo for secure shredding solutions. Whether you need to shred large, s...

E-Scrap Shredder: Securing Your Confidential Information

E-waste recycling concept with electronic devices.
In today’s digital age, electronic devices are integral to our daily lives, but as they reach the end of their usefulness, they often become a security ri...

Što je peletizator s jednim pužom za PET plastične pahuljice?

Oprema za industrijsku preradu plastike u tvornici.
Sve veći broj postrojenja za pranje PET boca uspostavlja se za oporabu prljavih, visoko kontaminiranih PET plastičnih boca. Većina ovih biljaka tipično...

Single-Screw Plastic Pelletizing Machines Explained

Industrial extrusion machine in factory setting
Our advanced single-screw plastic pelletizing machines with Heat Wave Stabilization™ produce premium plastic pellets by providing uniform heat distribution th...

Efficient PP PE Plastic Film and Woven Bags Water Ring Pelletizing System

Industrial machinery in a factory setting.
Our PP / PE plastic film water-ring pelletizing system integrates the functions of crushing, compacting, plasticization, and pelletizing all in a single step. A...

Optimized PP/PE Film Regrind Pelletizing Line from Washing Process

Optimized PP PE film regrind pelletizing line in an industrial setting, featuring recycling and pelletizing equipment used for plastic film recovery and reuse after the washing process.
The two-stage PP PE pelletizing system is designed to handle film regrinds from a washing plant. It comprises two sets of single screw extruders to ensure the f...