Sustavi za sušenje

Introduction to Drying Systems

Drying systems are a critical component in the plastic recycling process. They ensure that plastic materials are free from moisture before they are processed further. Moisture can negatively affect the quality of recycled plastic, leading to defects in the final product. Drying systems help maintain the integrity and performance of recycled plastics.

Key Features of Drying Systems

  • Efficient Moisture Removal: Advanced drying systems are designed to remove moisture quickly and effectively, ensuring optimal material quality.
  • Energetska učinkovitost: Modern drying systems are built to consume less energy, reducing operational costs and environmental impact.
  • Customizable Solutions: Drying systems can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different types of plastic materials and recycling processes.
  • Durability: Constructed with high-quality materials, these systems are built to withstand the rigors of continuous operation.
  • User-Friendly Controls: Intuitive interfaces make it easy for operators to monitor and adjust drying parameters.

Benefits of Using Drying Systems

Investing in a high-quality drying system for your plastic recycling operation offers several benefits:

  • Improved product quality and consistency.
  • Reduced waste and increased efficiency.
  • Lower energy consumption and operational costs.
  • Enhanced durability and longevity of recycled plastic products.

Data-Driven Drying: Optimize Your Process with Intelligent Systems

Boost Productivity, Save Resources: The Power of Efficient Drying
Quality Control Champions: Precision Drying for Consistent Results
Sustainability Champions: Eco-Friendly Drying Systems for a Greener Future

Naša termalna sušilica izvanredna je metoda za izvlačenje vlage putem dehidracije. Posebno projektiran za naše linije za pranje plastične folije i PET-a, ovaj uređaj za kontinuirano sušenje strateški je postavljen nakon stroja za odvodnjavanje. Termalna sušilica, opremljena ciklonskim separatorom, služi kao ključni završni korak u smanjenju razine vlage ispod 3%.

Visoko učinkovit, ali s malom potrošnjom energije dio opreme za sušenje, stroj za odvodnjavanje koristi centrifugalnu silu za djelomično uklanjanje vode iz tekućeg toka plastičnog materijala. Ima izrazitu sposobnost upijanja materijala s povišenim sadržajem vode i smanjivanja istog na minimalne razine. Kada je integriran u našu liniju za pranje PE folije ili liniju za pranje PET boca, stroj za odvodnjavanje je početna jedinica u nizu strojeva.

Naš sustav odvodnjavanja pužnom prešom, dizajniran posebno za našu liniju za pranje PE folije, vrlo je učinkovita metoda za izvlačenje vlage iz struje materijala. Zapravo, naše vijčane preše često se koriste u preradi hrane, papirnoj i celuloznoj industriji, obradi otpadnih voda itd. Ovaj izdržljivi komad stroja pruža izvanrednu redukciju vlage bez znatnih troškova (trošak električne energije) rada toplinskih grijača.

Recycling post-consumer plastics like PE film, PP woven bags, and agricultural films can be a challenge due to high moisture content. Washed films typically contain up to 40% moisture, which is problematic for recyclers, leading to issues like inconsistent feeding and reduced output in recycling extruders. Traditional drying methods often fail to effectively remove this moisture, leaving up to 30% water content in the materials.

In the plastic recycling industry, effective drying processes are crucial to ensure high-quality output and efficient operations. A Sustav za sušenje cijevi specifically designed for plastic recycling can significantly improve the drying process, reducing moisture content and enhancing the overall quality of the recycled material. This article explores the key features, benefits, and applications of a Pipe Drying System tailored for plastic recycling.
