Arhiva kategorija: Vijesti o recikliranju

Tackling Contamination: The Evolution of Advanced Plastic Washing Systems

The image shows a large industrial setting that appears to be part of a plastic recycling washing system. These systems are integral to recycling operations where plastics need to be cleaned thoroughly to remove contaminants, residue, or labels before they can be processed further. In the photo, you can see multiple conveyor belts and sorting stations that systematically transport and separate different types of plastics. The belts likely lead to washing units where the plastic is cleaned, often using a combination of mechanical and chemical processes. The color-coded conveyor belts might be for sorting plastics by type or color, which is important for recycling as different types of plastics have different processing requirements and market values.
The advent of plastic has undeniably made our lives more convenient, yet its environmental repercussions are increasingly concerning. While traditional recyclin...

Termički stroj za sušenje: učinkovita rješenja za industrijsko sušenje

termalni stroj za sušenje, koji je dio industrijskog sustava dizajniranog za sušenje materijala korištenjem topline. Postrojenje uključuje niz metalnih cijevi i cilindara, vjerojatno za prijenos materijala i vrućeg zraka. Nekoliko motora i mehaničkih komponenti vidljivih na slici sugerira da ovaj sustav radi kombinacijom topline i mehaničkog kretanja kako bi se postiglo učinkovito sušenje. Korištenje nehrđajućeg čelika i robusna struktura pokazuju da je napravljen za izdržljivost i visoke performanse u industrijskim okruženjima.
Following the dewatering stage in plastic recycling, particularly for film and PET, a Thermal Drying Machine plays a crucial role in achieving the low moisture...

Revolutionizing Waste Management: MSW Sorting Line

Introduction In an era where environmental sustainability is paramount, managing Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) effectively has become a global priority. MSW sorti...

Kako recikliranje balirki može pomoći vašem poslovanju

Balirke za recikliranje bitan su dio opreme za svako poduzeće koje stvara otpadne materijale. Ovi strojevi sabijaju otpad u kompaktne bale, koje ca...

Revolucioniranje recikliranja plastike: Las Vegas pozdravlja napredno postrojenje vrijedno $75 milijuna

U ekološkom iskoraku bez presedana, Las Vegas je sada domaćin pionirskom centru za polimere $75 milijuna, zahvaljujući ulaganju Republic Services. Smješten n...