Vijesti o recikliranju

Vijesti o recikliranju

Vijesti o recikliranju

U današnjem ekološki osviještenom svijetu, recikliranje polivinil klorida (PVC) postalo je kritična komponenta održivog gospodarenja otpadom. Odabir odgovarajuće opreme za recikliranje PVC-a ključan je za optimizaciju učinkovitosti, osiguranje kvalitete proizvoda i smanjenje utjecaja na okoliš. Ovaj vodič daje detaljan uvid u čimbenike koje treba uzeti u obzir pri odabiru strojeva za recikliranje PVC-a.

In recent years, mechanical recycling has emerged as a cornerstone in plastic waste management, particularly for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) recycling. As companies and governments emphasize sustainable practices, the need for efficient, scalable recycling methods has grown. Mechanical recycling, supported by advanced PVC recycling machines, offers an effective solution that not only repurposes waste but also minimizes environmental impact. This article explores what mechanical recycling entails and highlights its key benefits for the plastics industry.


Polivinil klorid (PVC) naširoko se koristi u građevinarstvu, automobilskoj industriji i robi široke potrošnje zbog svoje izdržljivosti, svestranosti i isplativosti. S povećanjem svijesti o okolišu i regulatornim pritiscima, recikliranje PVC-a postalo je bitno za smanjenje otpada i očuvanje resursa. Dvije primarne metode recikliranja – mehaničko recikliranje i recikliranje sirovine – ključne su za rukovanje jednostavnim i složenim tokovima PVC otpada.

Why PVC Profile Recycling Matters

Recycling PVC profiles, especially through advanced machinery, is essential for reducing waste, saving resources, and supporting a circular economy. PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is widely used in construction for products like windows and doors. When companies like Deceuninck recycle these profiles, they extend the lifespan of PVC materials, reduce environmental impact, and preserve the quality of the products.

The European Union has introduced new restrictions on lead usage in PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products, aimed at minimizing human exposure to this hazardous substance. The updated regulation, adopted on May 3, 2023, amends Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation (EC No. 1907/2006) and sets clear guidelines for the use and marketability of PVC products containing lead.

In the bustling world of industrial manufacturing and recycling, efficiency isn’t just a goal—it’s a necessity. PVC pipe horizontal crushers are at the forefront of this, transforming waste management practices across various industries. Let’s break down how these crushers enhance operational efficiency, demonstrate versatility, and ultimately prove to be cost-effective solutions for businesses.

Proper maintenance is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of industrial machinery. A Sjeckalica s jednom osovinom is no exception. This versatile equipment, essential in waste management and recycling operations, demands regular attention to keep it running smoothly. Let’s dive into the essential maintenance tips, the importance of regular upkeep, and common pitfalls to avoid.

Dealing with operational issues in heavy machinery can be daunting. A Sjeckalica s jednom osovinom is no exception. This versatile equipment, crucial for effective waste management and recycling operations, sometimes encounters technical problems that can hinder its performance. This article will guide you through troubleshooting common issues, ensuring your shredder operates at peak efficiency.
