Il Nord America raggiunge un tasso di riciclo degli imballaggi EPS pari a 31% nel 2022

A recent survey by Resource Recycling Systems (RRS) reveals that over 168 million pounds of expanded polystyrene (EPS) transport packaging were diverted from landfills in 2022, achieving a 31% recycling rate in North America.

Unlike traditional curbside programs, EPS recycling predominantly occurs through business-to-business (B2B) systems and alternative channels. Post-consumer materials, originating from households or commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities, are repurposed for new uses.

Betsy Bowers, Executive Director of the EPS Industry Alliance (EPS-IA), emphasizes, “Because EPS recycling primarily occurs behind the scenes with independent contracts to supply recycled content feedstock and overseas sales of EPS recyclate, many people don’t realize how much is actually being recycled. The fact that we’re diverting such a significant amount of material from landfills shows the real impact of these channels, which aren’t as visible to the public as curbside recycling.”

The EPS recycling sector is experiencing growth, with the industry investing $185 million in recycled content resin technologies. Currently, approximately 79 million pounds of capacity are operational, with an additional 150 million pounds in development.

This surge in capacity meets the increasing demand for recycled EPS, utilized in products such as picture frames, coat hangers, and as a concrete aggregate. Recycled EPS also finds applications in building and construction materials, safety helmets, automotive components, new packaging, and furniture.

Bowers adds, “EPS is being recycled in increasing quantities, and the growth in access and infrastructure points to more progress ahead. With continued innovation and investment, EPS recycling can significantly contribute to a more sustainable economy. We encourage businesses and communities to tap into these expanding opportunities.”

The advancements in EPS recycling underscore the industry’s commitment to sustainability and the development of a circular economy.

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