Program ReMiQ $10M w Queensland: wspieranie zrównoważonej regeneracji
Rząd Queensland niedawno zaprezentował innowacyjny program ReMade in Queensland (ReMiQ), wspierany przez znaczną inwestycję w wysokości $10 milionów. Ta inicjatywa ma odegrać kluczową rolę w przekształceniu lokalnego krajobrazu produkcyjnego, kładąc nacisk na zrównoważony rozwój i recykling.
Pomoc lokalnym producentom
Program ReMiQ rozszerza wsparcie finansowe w zakresie od $50 000 do $2,5 mln dla lokalnych producentów. To finansowanie jest specjalnie przeznaczone na projekty, które wzmacniają ponowne wykorzystanie strumieni materiałów pochodzących z recyklingu w procesach produkcyjnych, promując w ten sposób ponowne wytwarzanie nowych strumieni odpadów.
Part of a Broader Strategy
ReMiQ is a key component of the state government’s expansive $1.1 billion Recycling and Jobs Fund. It represents a targeted round of the broader Made in Queensland program, aligning with the state’s commitment to sustainability and job creation.
Objectives and Goals
The core objective of the ReMiQ program is to assist small to medium-sized manufacturing and recycling businesses in adopting remanufacturing processes. These processes are designed to reduce waste and energy costs, repurpose materials destined for landfills, and transform them into new manufactured goods.
Advancing the Circular Economy
The program is a strategic move towards achieving the goals outlined in the Queensland Government’s Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy. This strategy aims for a 80% recovery of all waste and a 65% recycling rate across all waste types by 2030. “A circular economy maximizes the value of our products and materials, reducing waste and pollution,” said Acting Minister for the Environment and Great Barrier Reef, and Minister for Science and Innovation, Grace Grace.
Investing in the Future
The ReMiQ program is not just about recycling; it’s about paving the way for future manufacturing jobs through the adoption of advanced technologies and processes. This approach is part of the Queensland government’s larger commitment to direct investment in local businesses, exceeding $145 million.
Job Creation and Economic Growth
Minister for Manufacturing, Glenn Butcher, highlighted the significant impact of these grants, noting their role in creating and supporting over 7000 jobs across Queensland. This is achieved through a combination of Made in Queensland grants, Manufacturing Hubs Grants, and Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grants.
Call for Participation
The ReMiQ program is now welcoming expressions of interest from Queensland companies, with the application period open from 16 January to 19 February. Detailed guidelines for participation can be found on the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water’s website.
In summary, the ReMiQ program represents a strategic and significant investment in Queensland’s sustainable future. It’s an opportunity for local businesses to engage in eco-friendly practices, drive innovation, and contribute to the state’s growing circular economy.